Welcome!SyllabusAssignment 1 due second week of semester What is it all about?Click to find organizations, videos and other resources describing the variety of endocrine disruptors in our environment, and their impacts.
Word version of the critique of a Scientific Research Paperdue for each paper we examine of teh day that review begins Chance has a lot to do with the process of science. And all scientists build on the shoulders of those who came before. Consider this example. In the last part of the 20th century, Dr. Louis Guillette was doing a study for the State of Florida to estimate the population of alligators in order to provide details about harvesting eggs for the alligator farming industry. What he discovered in Lake Apopka Florida changed his focus of research and he has become a premier scientist in the field of endocrine disruption. I met Dr. Guillette in 1997 at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington when I was a newly minted PhD. He resparked my interest in Environmental Endocrine Disruptors. I learned about them for the first time in about 1994 as a graduate student at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, OR. The director of the center had a screening of 1994 BBC production called Assault on the Male.The field really took off with the
concensus statement from the work sessionat the Wingspread Conference in Racine Wisconsin in 1991and the publication of the book Our Stolen Future by Theo Colburn in 1997.My interest and concerns with the impacts of chemicals on all aspects of Environmental Health continues to grow the more I learn. While the process of science is self-corrective over time, conflicts of interest do arise in individual peer-reviewed publications, often when the stakes are high (economically). For example, here is south Florida Krista McCoy and Jason Rohr from USF showed such a conflict in their 2008 review of the effects of the herbicide atrazine.
Here is a news story about that issue:Conflicts of Interest Affect Conservation Science Examination of Atrazine Shows Report Funded By Chemical Maker FlawedHere is their review article: A Qualitative Meta-Analysis Reveals Consistent Effects of Atrazine on Freshwater Fish and Amphibiansand here is a paper they wrote about the process of science: This is an upper-division course where we critically evaluate current topics in Biology. For several years now I have settled on the topic of environmental endocrine disruptors since the research shows they have far-reaching effects and yet, most people have not heard of them or their potential impacts. |
Below is is a daily RSS feed from Environmental Health News.They archive shows stories on endocrine disruptors from around the globe. Find that link in the lower right corner of the page is a chronology of endocrine disruptors news stories. |
(Fall, 2013)
Biomarkers for endocrine disruptors in three species of Mediterranean large pelagic fish (2004) Fossi et al Marine Environmental Research 54 667-671)
Effects of Perinatal Exposure to Bisphenol A on Sociosexual Behavior of Female and Male Rats (2002) Farabollini et al Environmental Health Perspectvives 110 supplement 3 403-407
Endocrine disruptors found in food contaminants enhance allergic sensitization through an oxidative stress that promotes the development of allergic airway inflammation (2013) Kato et al Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 273:1:10-18
(Fall, 2012)
Atrazine induces complete feminization and chemical castration in male African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) (PNAS 107:10;4612-4617)
Selected personal care products and endocrine disruptors in biosolids: an Australia-wide survey (Science of the Total Environment 2011 409(6): 1075-1081
The endocrine disruptor bisphenol A increases the expression of HSP70 and ecdysone receptor genes in the aquatic larvae of Chironomus riparius. (Chemosphere. 2008 May;71(10):1870-6. Epub 2008 Mar 7)
Testis and Antler Dysgenesis in Sitka Black-Tailed Deer on Kodiak Island, Alaska: Sequela of Environmental Endocrine Disruption? (EHP 114 Apr 2006 51-59)
"Fifteen years after Wingspread" - Environmental Endocrine Disruptors and Human and Wildlife health: Where we are Today and Where We Need to Go (Hotchkiss et al 2008 Toxicol Sci 105(2) 235-259)
(Fall, 2011)
Impact of Early-Life Bisphenol A Exposure on Behavior and Executive Function in Children (Pediatrics 128:5:873-882)
Atrazine induces complete feminization and chemical castration in male African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) (2011) Hayes et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science pre-print
Exposure to Phthalates and phenols during pregnancy and offspring size at birth (2011) Claire Philippat, Marion Mortamais, Cécile Chevrier, Claire Petit, Antonia M. Calafat, Xiaoyun Ye, Manori J. Silva, Christian Brambilla, Isabelle Pin, Marie-Aline Charles, Sylvaine Cordier, Rémy Slama Envrionmental Health Perspectives 2011
Maternal Exposures to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Hypospadias in Offspring Felice Giordano, Annalisa Abballe, Elena De Felip, Alessandro di Domenico, Fabio Ferro, Paola Grammatico, Anna Maria Ingelido, Valentina Marra, Giacinto Marrocco, Santiago Vallasciani, Irene Figà-Talamanca Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology Volume 88, Issue 4, pages 241–250, April 2010
(Fall, 2010)
Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Climate Change: A Worst-Case Combination for Arctic Marine Mammals and Seabirds? Bjørn Munro Jenssen Environ Health Perspect. 2006 April: 114(S-1): 76–80.
Pesticide Mixtures, Endocrine Disruption, and Amphibian Declines: Are We Underestimating the Impact? Tyrone B. Hayes, Paola Case, Sarah Chui, Duc Chung, Cathryn Haeffele, Kelly Haston, Melissa Lee, Vien Phoung Mai, Youssra Marjuoa, John Parker, and Mable Tsui Environ Health Perspect. 2006 April; 114(S-1): 40–50.
Effects of persistent organic pollutants on the thyroid function of the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) from the Aegean sea, is it an endocrine disruption? Joseph G. Schnitzlera, ,
, Emmanuil Koutrakisb,
, Ursula Siebertc,
, Jean Pierre Thoméd,
and Krishna Dasa,
Marine Pollution Bulletin Volume 56, Issue 10, October 2008, Pages 1755-1764
Chronic dietary exposure to environmental organochlorine contaminants induces thyroidgland lesions in Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) Christian Sonne, Hans Wolkers, Pall S.Leifsson, Tine Iburg, Bjørn Munro Jenssen, Eva Fuglei, Øystei Ahlstrøm, Rune Dietz, Maja Kirkegaard, DerekC.G.Muir, EvenH.Jørgensen Environmental Research109 (2009)702–711
Occupational exposure to endocrine-disrupting compounds and biliary tract cancer among men. Wolfgang Ahrens; Chinara Mambetova; Nicole Bourdon-Raverdy; Agustin Llopis-Go Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health; Oct 2007; 33, 5
Endocrine disruptors: from Wingspread to environmental developmental biology Caroline M. Markey, Beverly S. Rubin, Ana M. Soto and Carlos Sonnenschein Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dec 2002 83:1-5:235-244